Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Thoughts of God

Psalm 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

How wonderful Thy thought, O God!
Though poor and needy I may be,
How high, how deep, how manifold,
Thy never-ceasing thought of me!

Thou thinkest more than I can know;
Thy gifts transcend my fairest dreams;
Beside the greatest of Thy thoughts
How small mine utmost asking seems!

Thou thinkest peace; the winds are lulled
And lash no more the billow's crest,
And all the tumult of my soul
Is hushed into Thy perfect rest.

Thou thinkest joy, and I rejoice;
Even in grief I must be glad,
For when my lips can sing Thy praise,
My spirit may no more be sad.

Thou thinkest strength; I rise again
Where I had fallen in the fight,
And gird Thine armor on anew,
Strong in the power of Thy might.

Thou thinkest light; the clouds depart;
The stars shine through the deeps of space,
And then the dawn, and then the day,
The sun, and glory of Thy face.

Thou thinkest love; ah! God of love,
That thought in Christ embodied lies;
I see a vision of the cross,
And every selfish impulse dies.

Annie Johnson Flint