Friday, October 12, 2012

How Are You Growing?

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

A common question we often ask one another is this: How's it going? It is a question of polite inquiry, a question that normally evokes a "pretty good" or "fine" response.  Well, let me ask you a deeper, more important question: How are you growing?  You see, God commands us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Are you doing very well with this command?


1. Am I reading my Bible for information or transformation?(James 1:22-25)

2. Am I allowing people or circumstances to steal the joy that Jesus promised to me? (John 10:10)

3. Is there anything in my life that God is consistently convicting me of that I am trying to ignore? (Ezekiel 14:1-5)

4. Who are the people in my life that God has placed around me for the purpose of me sharing Christ with them and/or inviting them to church? (II Corinthians 5:16-21)

5. Is there anyone I need to apologize to? (Ephesians 4:25:27)

6. Is there anyone I need to forgive? (Ephesians 4:32)

7. Is there a sin I need to confess to others and ask for help? (James 5:16)

8. Am I fully utilizing the gifts and abilities that God has blessed me with…or am I simply choosing to waste my life? (I Peter 4:10)

9. Do I know more lines from the movies that I love than verses from the Bible that I read? (Psalm 119:11)

10. Is there anything going on in my life privately that, if it became public, would cause me and/or the body of Christ to be embarrassed? (I John 1:9James 5:16)


May you and I always be serious and focused on spiritual growth ... because it really matters. Remember, there is a meeting at the end of life between you and Jesus (The Judgment Seat of Christ). You are going to have to give an account of your life, and I of mine. God wants that meeting to be one of joy and reward, not sorrow and loss.

So start today growing strong in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jeff Schreve
From His Heart Ministries