Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ode a la Esperanza

Ode a la Esperanza

Crepusculo marino,
en medio
de mi vida,
las olas como uvas,
la soledad del cielo,
me llenas
y desbordas,
todo el mar,
todo el cielo,
y espacio,
los batallones blancos 
de la espuma,
la tierra anaranjada,
la cintura
del sol en agonia,
dones y dones,
que acuden a sus suenos,
y el mar, el mar,
coro de sal sonora,
mientras tanto,
los hombres,
junto al agua,
y esperando
junto al mar,

Las olas dicen a la costa firme:
"Todo sera cumplido." 

Pablo Neruda

( By the way, loving an author's poem does not mean one approves his political affiliation per se. A message for my readers: I only like Pablo as a poet.)

Yoga or stretching?

Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Footing on this Earth

I sought Him where my logic led.
        "This friend is always sure and right;
        His lantern is sufficient light.
    I need no Star," I said.

    I sought Him in the city square.
        Logic and I went up and down
        The marketplace of many a town,
    But He was never there.

    I tracked Him to the mind's far rim.
        The valiant intellect went forth
        To east and west and south and north,
    But found no trace of Him.

    We walked the world from sun to sun,
        Logic and I, with Little Faith,
        But never came to Nazareth,
    Nor met the Holy One.

    We sought in vain. And finally,
        Back to the heart's small house I crept,
        And fell upon my knees, and wept;
    And Lo! He came to me!

Sara Henderson Hay (1906-1987), A Footing on this Earth: Poems, Doubleday, 1966, p. 214